Üzenetek megjelenítése

Ez a szekció lehetővé teszi a felhasználó által írt összes hozzászólás megtekintését. Vedd figyelembe, hogy csak azokba a fórumokba írt hozzászólásokat látod, amelyekhez hozzáférésed van.

Üzenetek - VnF Hosting

Oldalak: 1 2 »

A pénz visszafizetés téves rendelés esetén lehetséges ha rendelés után jelzi rögtön a supportnak.

Üdvözlettel VnF Hosting Support!

Szerverel kapcsolatos / Milyen Rendszereket telepítünk?
« Dátum: 2024. November 10. »

Akár windows , akár linux a VnF Hosting nyitott kapukkal ál minden elött.

A windows esetén a licenszet az ügyfélnek kell intéznie, mi nem tudunk licenszet értékesíteni hozzá.

Üdvözlettel VnF Hosting Support!

Weboldalak / Deneme 2 Weboldal
« Dátum: 2024. November 10. »

A /inc/config.inc.php ba kell átírni a sql adatokat.
Php verzió 5.3 a jó hozzá. (VnF Hostingnál kérhető a 5.3 mas verzió!)
Ha nem deneme2 szerverhez akarjátok, akkor a account táblát cseréljétek erre:

Account tábla letöltési link: https://mega.nz/file/h0o0XIDY#WPJw77CCUCTp2Dfgz3XUo3qhISC4pd5w_ybCj7nOPI0

Web Letöltési link: https://mega.nz/file/s9YzmZQZ#oXSFvaSGP71HxsZpDvUUStQYCwfXCThf1x_hV4AvS2g

Üdvözlettel VnF Hosting Support!

SF Letöltések / 40k Samurai SF - Forrásal
« Dátum: 2024. November 10. »

Kitesszük a samurait ingyenesen letölthető, viszont nem hibátlan.
A forrásba javítani kell hogy ne törölje a sql t mindig.
Szóval nem hibátlan sf!!!

Hibajavítást nem tervezek kiadni, a projekt célja nem az h én dolgozzak rajta, hanem hogy az, akinek kell arra használja, amire szüksége van!

Hibák, amiket ki kell javítanod meg ilyesmi:
vannak bizonyos esetek, amikor is a taskbarra véletlen egy akármilyen item kerülhet a leltárad els'o' és második v harmadik polcáról...ja bosszantó egy dolog
 a /r gmparancs inaktív, tör'o'dj bele ennél neked kell megcsinálni a dolgot szal hajrácépuslzpuslzö tudás ne hagyj cserben!
 a játék az árnyékokat egy bizonyos rádiuszban kezeli élesen, azon túl nem hajlandó semmit se csinálni velük, ergó ha ez téged zavar akk ideje körbenézni az indítóban.
 a nem létez'o' tárgyakat néha 1 slotnyi 'u'rt foglalva tod lehívni, természetesen direkt elvétett hibaként került ez is a listára, mert nem lehet felel'o'tlenül és meggondolatlan a tárgyakat csak úgy lehívogatni, szal ha felel'o'tlen és idióta módon mégis tárgyakat akarsz spawnolgatni magadnak akk Do It yourself elven ott a forrás ;)

 A VS-es indítóforrás 2013-mas visualstudio-hoz passzol, a régebbivel nem igen kompatibilis,
 a reload parancsok benne vannak, értsd ez: http://metin2hungary.net/index.php?topic=193648.0
 a /r parancs nincs üzemképesítve, ha azt akarod h menjen csináld meg magad... Developers pls
a játék ezen példánya TXT proto alapú a játék item_proto és mob_proto adatbázisa(usr/game/db),  kliensbe locale-ben van saját txt->kliens proto convertere (egy debug és release változattal, de ez amúgy csak annak új aki eddig txt protos szeróknál adatbázisba próbálta szerkeszteni a sorokat értelmetlenül...psl)
a root és a textureset össze van olvasztva, az icon és az item szintén;
 ezen felül a kliensben van pár samuraipatch is, az alapban a kékacél effektje,
 az 1-esben a panda és a jegesmedve+effektjeik és végül a 2-esben a 2017-es új gf-es vértszett található meg.
 Minden mást név alapján ki lehet következtetni, bár a petekhez nem nyúltam a mountok teljes arzenálját meg hülye leszek betenni csinálja meg az, akinek ez kell a boldogságához lol.

Röviden és tömören töröltem a meglev'o' questeket és meghagyta a magyarosított lua-kat ...mert mért ne, elvégre tesztalapról beszélünk nem kész egy kész szerófájlról!
-Betettem a gf 1.7.5-ös patchében lev'o' új kosztümöket, hajakat, zodiákus dolgokat ill jin dolgokat (ja item_protoból majd csak kikeresitek a zodiákus szó segítségével)
-Mostantól kezdve a forrást publikusan kiadom közkívánatra azoknak, akik bevállalják azt h ugyebár maguk gyomlálják és építsék fel újból a játékukat 1-99-ig.Ne kérdezd mért csináltam ezt nekem se dereng h mért nem találtam jó alapot, amivel csak el lehet tolni az id'o'm psl
-64 MAPINDEX engedélyezve.

-a ctrl+h/g/j-s billentyukombók fixe bent van
 -Effektes gepárd és leopárd mount (kis pub...)
 -effektes jegesmedve és panda mount(karma2 klienses scriptekkel+effektekkel)
 -a kis publikációs mountokat kivágtam
 -a turkey mappa a helyére rakva (mármint értsd mount)
 -a kliensdesign butítva, gflike
 -az Item Rankos cucc holmijai kivéve, nem áll szándékom mindenkit ellátni azonnal a sok-sok új fegyóval, amit amúgy sokáig tart megtalálni, de megéri...welcome 2 the internet /:
 -Csajszi sámán kingvért modell korrigálva, fehér fátyol nélkül van bent
 -Az alap ló effektetlen és modifikálatlan változata visszarakva (Pisti változata se rossz, csak azért a régi paripák néha jobbak)
 -A bloginról a visualkeyboard leszedve,; a bejelentkezéses panel "retro" pozícióba lett rakva.
 -Az indítóban elvleg aktiválva van a MartiSama féle "több textúrát kezelhetnek az msm -ek " dolog, szóval ha vagy elég túlbuzgó és van kedved új textúrákhoz eléréseket írni régi modellekhez, akkor ez az opció pont ideális lehet akármihez.
 -bekerültek az öregkingek és kingek húzható változatban a /i 10000  utáni ID-kre.
 -a 309-es és 3239-es id-n lev'O' kard és pallos bekerült.

-Benne hagytam pár plechito-s mountot,
-Benne hagytam pár plechito-s osztümfegyót
-dettó van siriusmt2 remakelt kosztümfegyver
-T0GYER Item Rankos fejlesztése is szerepel a dologban ,
 azaz ha 1 adott tárgy [UL] [UN] [Lim] [E] vagy [R] vagy [L] jelzéssel rendelkezik, akk kap 1 kis jelzést
-3 leltár fixed
-Az összes eddigi kosztümcucc müxik, tesztelve all inaktiválva
-Effektezett harci mountok ~ halvány piros füst
~Minimál fix: Ki-be kapcsolható: KardAura, Er'o's test, - WP sura skillek...
~A kékacélok effektje a siriusmt2 remake stahl_oacha-s effektjein alapszik.
~ a kékacélok textúrái a helyükön, a legyezo modellek 10-20°-ban módosítva a 7170-7199-es ITEM-eknél
~+5-9-es kövek értékekkel berakva
~Quest mappa némiképp feldarabolva, ha gondolod tovább pucolhatod~ penger vadászquestjei megmaradtak.
~a 87-105-ös holmik leszintelve 90-99-re,
~6.7. bónusz hozzáadva (nem stackelhet'o' nem hívható le 200-as csomagban mert minek is?)
~5.bónusz 200-as stackbe hívható le
~80-92-es tárgyak, pl sólyom kés , nap kés ésatöbbi optokkal és szintkövetelménnyel(kivéve a Mennyei kardot)
~2010-11-es Azraeles és Devil's Catacomb-os képek - ill login és betöltoképek belevágva + a 2013-mas kóreai login dolog szintén beletéve.
~ a kliens exe indító ico fájlja lecserélve egy azraelesre
~ Bár lenne más, amit korrigáltam de úgy fest most csak ennyi van. :/ Bocs haver!
Ett'o'l függetlenü jó szórakozást!

-3leltár hozzáadva
-30k rang kiegészítés minden birinél más
-a szint kijelzés gyorsan frissül
-a leltár külseje módosítva lett
- az energia rendszer kliensoldali panelje inaktiválva
- a sárkányk'o' alkímia ki lett véve a leltárból
- módosítva lettek a tárgysztint +-os ikonjai és a +-os fejleszt'O' holmik ikonjai
- a karneváli kosztümök többsége teljesen be lett rakva.

Tárgyak +-ának kijelzése
Új tárgyak effektje
Karakterszint frissítés
Olyan mint a samurai core, csak unalmamba lusta voltam több szemetet beletenni
-99max szint
-Több gf-es kosztüm
-Több gf-es kosztümhaj
-2Szettnyi kosztümfegyver

-Harmatok idejének mutatása bal fels. sarokba
-30k max rang
-Polymorph - átv gömb kikapcs rendszer
-32k feletti portok fixe
-Zöld - és -lila potieffektek aktiválása
-átható találat effektjének fixe

-Az SF-ben van a 70-es harang 75-ös legyi, item_protoval item_namessel is,
-a harag kard +9-es szinten erítve lett
-Bent van a Season1 PC-s 2. alapvértcsomag,
-Ki van iktatva a kékacél effektje (saját megfontolásból)
-2 leltár van, retro okokból és az idióta bugok elkerülése végett
-A tárgy eladás direkt csak az eladás gombbal kombinálva megy, a tárgy boltra való húzása ki lett vágva
-Néhány rendszerüzenetet locale_stringben is magyarosítottam

A boltokba alap-30-as 40-es 50-es potik is vannak és a gf illúzióját kelti egy szintig a dolog,
de a raktárosnál vannakértékváltó cuccok is.
mysql/navi jelszó
root - isolator

admin admin

navicat: 3306-os port root és isolator

CH1 és Game99: 50010 50099 potokon ... ja VZlike portok vannak,de kité


Letöltési Link: https://mega.nz/folder/A8JFjDTT#MLhHONDFvmegN3QOcjzQ9w

Fizetésel kapcsolatos / Mikor kapom meg a szolgáltatásom?
« Dátum: 2024. November 10. »
Jelenleg manuális jóváírási rendszer van illetve manuális számlázás, ami időbe telik mire megvan.
Maximum 3 nap lehet de 1 napon belül megszokta minden ügyfelünk kapni a szerverét.

Üdvözlettel VnF Hosting Support!

Védelmi rendszerek / PF - Port Védelem
« Dátum: 2024. November 10. »
A pf védelem jó tcp port floodok, egyébb ddos támadások ellen.
Az alábbi módon tudjátok beállítani:
1.) Letöltitek a pf.zip et.
2.) Feltöltitek a /usr/local/etc/ alá a pf mappát.
3.) Megnyitjátok a pf.rules fájlt bele írjátok a szerver game illetve auth portot illetve a szerver ip jére kicserélitek ezt az ip-t:
4.) módosítani kell a /etc/rc.conf fájlt az aljára bele írni ezeket:

# Packet Filter

# Prefer ipv4 when available

5.) reboot olni a szervert újrakell indítani.

Készen is vagyunk.
Üdvözlettel VnF Hosting Alex!

Védelmi rendszerek / IPFW - Port Védelem
« Dátum: 2024. November 10. »
Ipfw védelem beállítása:

A /usr/local/etc alá kell feltölteni az alábbi scriptet:

Majd a portokat kitölteni a ch, game99, db config fájlokbol kell kimásolni a p2p meg a szerver portokat és azt bele írni.

ee /etc/rc.conf
#(Ide kell beilleszteni, amit ez alá írok!)
(Ez után ctrl+c és exit!)
reboot #(És bent van a tűzfal)

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ps1pGHnJhTo

Készen is vagyunk.
Üdvözlettel VnF Hosting Alex!

Deneme 2 SF / Szerverfájl információ
« Dátum: 2024. November 10. »
A szerverben elérhető a következő dolgok :
  - Vállpánt abszolválása illetve kombinációja
  - Energai rendszer
  - Sárkánykő alkímia (Csökkentve az össz érték , tehát nem 15 kell ,hanem 3 )
  - 5. leltár.
  - Target színek beállítása
  - Ha az adott karkater valamiféle GM akkor a [LV] helyett [ADMIN]-t ír.
  - Mobok előtt szint kijlezés.
  - Óra , dátum kihelyezve a minimap alá .
  - Új kereskedő ablak (Több slott)
  - A boltokban a SLOTT növelve
  - Napi ajándék gomb ( questben változtatható a tárgy )
  - Multi funkcionális gomb lehelyezve
  - Öv rendszer húzás és társai .
  - Cube ( Vért , gyamok , fegyver ,övek )
     - Tökéletesen beállított drop
     - Tökéletesen beállított EXP, YANG drop
     - Megfejlődhető szint , (Map1 től , Lélekig )
     - (Cube) elérhető
     - Izzó purgatórium , DC , DT , Nemere run elérhető
     - Beállított fegyver / vért húzás.
     - Beállított pet bónuszok.
     - Egyedileg írt OX kérdések.
     - Eldobási idő felvéve 3 percre.
     - Sura skill bugg javítás. 
  - Pet megidézésekor ,ha ad HP-t nem buggol be .
  - Dice fix
  - Új ércek bányászhatósága
  - Érzelem maszk nélkül
  - Globális chat
  - Hack detect core crash fix
  - Exploit fix
  - Invisible bug fix
  - Eldobott item eltűnési ideje 30mp
  - War bug fix
  - SQL injector ellen
  - 5. leltár.
  - NOTXT elérhető !
  - Playereknek bónuszolási idő eltávolítása
  - Több kézségkönyv esetén csak 1 et vesz el. (össze lehet rakni )
     - Hp-Mp bug javítása
     - Dungeon party fix
     - Cube crash fix
     - Minden mob TP-je felett mutatja a TP %-át
        - Teljesen magyar a kliens .
     - Sárkánykő alkímia elérhető az alkimistánál vagy pedig az ,, O " betűvel.
     - Sárkánykő alkímia és a tárgypiac gomb elérhető a leltárban.
     - Javított mountok és petek
     - Javított ( buggos ) NPC-k
     - <Szint: & > kiírás elérhető mint karakter mint mobok felett.
     - Theowahdan NPC teljesen elérhető ( PÁNTOS NPC )
  - Biológus küldetések
  - Saját kézzel írt (ölős) questek.
  - Yang szín úgy változik ,ahogy nő a mennyisége ( 10 yang - piros / yang már zöld :)) )
  - 2 új pet elérhető .: Ogre , Tigris
  - PVP nél visszaszámól
  - PVP nél mutatja az ellenfél HP-ját
  - Szerencskerék ( csak annyi ,hogy le kell ./qc-zni slotmachine.quest-t

Oldalsó menü :
  - Erő rendszer
  - AFK rendszer
  - Zsebszámoló
  - Anti-EXP gyűrű gombként.
  - Ingame wiki ( szabadon szerkezthető )
  - Felszerelés cserélő panel ( Kép cserélhető ETC-be )

Fontos ,hogy ,ha VPS-re rakod fel a szerver filet minden egyes CONFIG fájlban át kell írni a BIND_IP:-t a VPS IP-re !!!
A Questlib.lua-ban van a MYSQL QUERRY funckió , ezt írd át az adataidra.
A SÉ jegy működik

Megjegyzés.: A fejlődést úgy állítottam be ,hogy lv 1 től lv 105 ig  kb : 22795 perc kell  ,de ha így mondok egy számot 2-3 hónap farmolással együtt.
A metinek dobnak kaszt ládát. Minnél nagyobb a metin annál több megbűvölő tárgyat ad az . Zen-bab és lelekkövet 45 ös metintől ad csak.  A 90 -es map helyett át lett írva 80-as mapra.
Visszajelzés alapáján 100-ról 105-re 12 óra volt összesen ;)

Hungary V2 SF / Szerverfájl Információk
« Dátum: 2024. November 10. »
VnF Hosting részről:
Egyedi védelem, pf, ipfw védelmirendszerek.

Ha alapból nem látszódna az okey kártya event akkot ingame (játékon bellül)
/e cards_event 1
/e cards_event 0
GM panelba van az event elindítása lezárása (gyűjthető kártya dobás).

Meley barlangjába csak akkor tudtok bemenni ha regisztráljátok a céhet és játék opcióknál céh módba teszitek.

Egyébb tudnivalók: Hungary V1-ből készült
(spectra 2.1/Samurai Core forrás)

1.2 Fejlesztlsek:

90-es mappok javítva.
Okey láda nyitás javítva.
Beran-Setaou run javítva.
mushroom_dungeon javítva.
moon_cave javítva.
OX map javítva.
demon_dungeon bekerült.
water_dungeon bekerült.
nephrit_cave bekerült.

2.0 Fejlesztések:
Alkímia linkelése.
Titulus rendszer.
Ingame Végzet kerék. (schicksal questben tudod állítani.)
Ingame kereskedőház.
Teleport-raktár-antiexp sideboardba.
Costum weapon system. +(pár costum weapon 62000-tól)
Yang-tárgy felszedés 500 ms-ról 1 ms-ra csökkentve (gyors tárgyfelszedés)
Forrásban p2p port fix.
Alap kliens védelem.

2.1 Fejlesztések:
Vegas Professional Biolog System
Lennt Birodalmi war System --(Igen nem fordítottam le elindíteni Events manager questel lehet a konfigurálásnál nem-re kell nyomni különben mindíg csak beconfigolnád a "wart".)
Effect System
TEA_ROUND ;XTEA (LZO) ; kiterjesztés változtatás
ring system
switchbot (sidebar)
CONNETION_IP: házi root szerverekhez bind (localis) CONNCTION pedig saját ip cím (pl ipcímem.com arra is configolod be ezáltal akárhonnan feltudnak lépni a szerveredre. VPS Esetén egyik sem kell! )
D: ymir work blockolása

Lexia 2 SF - Egyszeri Költséges / Szerverfájl Információk
« Dátum: 2024. November 07. »
Lexia 2 SF Teljes rendszerrel

Amit adunk hozzá:
Photoshop logok psd fájlai

Ára: 50.000 Ft (egyszeri költség)
Figyelem az SF et bárki megveheti, ha azt szeretné hogy ne értékesítsük tovább annak a díja a sf en felül: 120.000 Ft
Érdeklődni emailen, vagy facebookon lehet.

Maximális Szint 120 egyenlőre!
-Fejlődés BOSSOKNÁL, Metinköveknél!
-Minden meg szerezhető játékon belül!
-Elsőnek farmoljatok. 90-es fegyvereket tovább lehet húzni egészen a kianit felszerelésig!
-Sé Farmolás lehetőség is van!
-Pánt / Pet / Mount system!(mount ha a leltáradban van akkor is megadja a bónuszt)!
-Transzmutáció System..
Vissza térve a Farmoláshoz.
-Sárkányérmét kis eséllyel bossok dobnak.
-Bányász és horgász mapp. Itt csak Sárkányérmét tudtok farmolni. (horgászok horgásznak, aki nem tud annak ott a bányászat.) 400érc 100 Sé... Többi mapp fejlesztőket ad Mount, Pet, és a Pánthoz.
-F5 gomb megnyomásával előhívod az optforgatót! 6-7opt nincs.
-Hexa system.
-War system.

Raise 2 SF - Egyszeri költséges / Szerverfájl Információk
« Dátum: 2024. Október 30. »
Raise2 SF
Amit adunk hozzá:
logok png fájlok

Ára: 20000 Ft Egyszeri Költség
Figyelem az SF et bárki megveheti, ha azt szeretné hogy ne értékesítsük tovább annak a díja a sf en felül: 100.000 Ft
Érdeklődni emailen, vagy facebookon lehet.

Max szint 210Szorzók 500%Sé farmolási lehetőség EVENTKOR (Sárkány érme pont 10darabért cserébe 100 sét kaptok)
A szerveren megtalálhatóak
Rang/Skill NPC(Itt tudod a rangod igényelni)M skillt(Nincs követelmény) G Skill ( 30 szint) P Skill ( 50 szint)

Runok/farmmapok/fejlődős pályák
 Kincsesláda föld Mágikus Troll Barlang Troll Vadásznál tudtok belépni Slime metinkő birodalom Kristály föld Félelem Barlang Ogre labirintus Metinkő map (30-50) Metinkő map (150-210) Farm (180-195) Farkasok Völgye (80-105) Zombi föld (105-120) Küklopsz föld (120-135) Kőmajmok Terme (135-150) Arany Kazamata (150-165) Lidérc barlang ( 165-180)Sárkány Kazamata (195-210)

Rendszerekről kis infó
Thanos kesztyűje,Kosztüm rendszer,Fegyver kosztüm rendszer,Pet rendszer,Mount rendszer,Ölés rendszer,Automatizált ,event rendszer.

M2m remake SF Teljes rendszerrel

Amit adunk hozzá:
Weboldal domain  m2mremake.hu domainnal az első vásárlónak

Ára: 100.000 Ft (egyszeri költség)
Figyelem ezt az SF et csak 1 ember tudja megvásárolni!
Érdeklődni emailen, vagy facebookon lehet.

Eredeti érintetlen Metin2Mester forrással el látva

Orion 2 SF - Egyszeri költséges / Szerverfájl Információk
« Dátum: 2024. Október 05. »
Orion2 SF Teljes rendszerrel

Amit adunk hozzá:
Weboldal -  orion2.hu domainnal az első vásárlónak
Photoshop logok psd fájlai

Ára: 140.000 Ft (egyszeri költség)
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1.12.1 Vanillia Szerver / GM Parancsok
« Dátum: 2023. December 06. »
A full list of GM commands for Vanilla WoW mangos private servers.

Command Name   GM Level   Syntax   Description
account   0   Syntax: .account   Display the access level of your account.
account characters   3   Syntax: .account characters [#accountId|$accountName]   Show list all characters for account selected by provided #accountId or $accountName, or for selected player in game.
account create   4   Syntax: .account create $account $password   Create account and set password to it.
account delete   4   Syntax: .account delete $account   Delete account with all characters.
account lock   0   Syntax: .account lock [on|off]   Allow login from account only from current used IP or remove this requirement.
account onlinelist   4   Syntax: .account onlinelist   Show list of online accounts.
account password   0   Syntax: .account password $old_password $new_password $new_password   Change your account password.
account set addon   3   Syntax: .account set addon [#accountId|$accountName] #addon   Set user (possible targeted) expansion addon level allowed. Addon values: 0 â€" normal, 1 â€" tbc, 2 â€" wotlk.
account set gmlevel   4   Syntax: .account set gmlevel [#accountId|$accountName] #level   Set the security level for targeted player (can’t be used at self) or for #accountId or $accountName to a level of #level.; #level may range from 0 to 3.
account set password   4   Syntax: .account set password (#accountId|$accountName) $password $password   Set password for account.
achievement   3   Syntax: .achievement $playername #achivementid   Show state achievment #achivmentid (can be shift link) and list of achievement criteria with progress data for selected player in game or by player name.
achievement add   3   Syntax: .achievement add $playername #achivementid   Complete achievement and all it’s criteria for selected player in game or by player name. Command can’t be used for counter achievements.
achievement criteria add   3   Syntax: .achievement criteria add $playername #criteriaid #change   Increase progress for non-completed criteria at #change for selected player in game or by player name. If #chnage not provided then non-counter criteria progress set to completed state. For counter criteria increased at 1.
achievement criteria remove   3   Syntax: .achievement criteria remove $playername #criteriaid #change   ecrease progress for criteria at #change for selected player in game or by player name. If #chnage not provided then criteria progress reset to 0.
achievement remove   3   Syntax: .achievement remove $playername #achivementid   Remove complete state for achievement #achivmentid and reset all achievement’s criteria for selected player in game or by player name. Also command can be used for reset counter achievements.
additem   3   Syntax: .additem #itemid/[#itemname]/#shift-click-item-link #itemcount   Adds the specified number of items of id #itemid (or exact (!) name $itemname in brackets, or link created by shift-click at item in inventory or recipe) to your or selected character inventory. If #itemcount is omitted, only one item will be added.; .
additemset   3   Syntax: .additemset #itemsetid   Add items from itemset of id #itemsetid to your or selected character inventory. Will add by one example each item from itemset.
ahbot items amount   3   Syntax: .ahbot items amount $GreyItems $WhiteItems $GreenItems $BlueItems $PurpleItems $OrangeItems $YellowItems   Set amount of each items color be selled on auction.
ahbot items amount blue   3   Syntax: .ahbot items amount blue $BlueItems   Set amount of Blue color items be selled on auction.
ahbot items amount green   3   Syntax: .ahbot items amount green $GreenItems   Set amount of Green color items be selled on auction.
ahbot items amount grey   3   Syntax: .ahbot items amount grey $GreyItems   Set amount of Grey color items be selled on auction.
ahbot items amount orange   3   Syntax: .ahbot items amount orange $OrangeItems   Set amount of Orange color items be selled on auction.
ahbot items amount purple   3   Syntax: .ahbot items amount purple $PurpleItems   Set amount of Purple color items be selled on auction.
ahbot items amount white   3   Syntax: .ahbot items amount white $WhiteItems   Set amount of White color items be selled on auction.
ahbot items amount yellow   3   Syntax: .ahbot items amount yellow $YellowItems   Set amount of Yellow color items be selled on auction.
ahbot items ratio   3   Syntax: .ahbot items ratio $allianceratio $horderatio $neutralratio   Set ratio of items in 3 auctions house.
ahbot items ratio alliance   3   Syntax: .ahbot items ratio alliance $allianceratio   Set ratio of items in alliance auction house.
ahbot items ratio horde   3   Syntax: .ahbot items ratio horde $horderatio   Set ratio of items in horde auction house.
ahbot items ratio neutral   3   Syntax: .ahbot items ratio neutral $neutralratio   Set ratio of items in $neutral auction house.
ahbot rebuild   3   Syntax: .ahbot rebuild [all]   Expire all actual auction of ahbot except bided by player. Binded auctions included to expire if “allâ€� option used. Ahbot re-fill auctions base at current settings then.
ahbot reload   3   Syntax: .ahbot reload   Reload AHBot settings from configuration file.
ahbot status   3   Syntax: .ahbot status [all]   Show current ahbot state data in short form, and with “allâ€� with details.
announce   1   Syntax: .announce $MessageToBroadcast   Send a global message to all players online in chat log.
auction   3   Syntax: .auction   Show your team auction store.
auction alliance   3   Syntax: .auction alliance   Show alliance auction store independent from your team.
auction goblin   3   Syntax: .auction goblin   Show goblin auction store common for all teams.
auction horde   3   Syntax: .auction horde   Show horde auction store independent from your team.
auction item   3   Syntax: .auction item (alliance|horde|goblin) #itemid[:#itemcount] [[[#minbid] #buyout] [short|long|verylong]   Add new item (in many stackes if amount grater stack size) to specific auction house at short|long|verylogn perios similar same settings in auction in game dialog. Created auction not have owner.
aura   3   Syntax: .aura #spellid   Add the aura from spell #spellid to the selected Unit.
ban account   3   Syntax: .ban account $Name $bantime $reason; Ban account kick player.; $bantime: negative value leads to permban, otherwise use a timestring like “4d20h3sâ€�.   
ban character   3   Syntax: .ban character $Name $bantime $reason; Ban account and kick player.; $bantime: negative value leads to permban, otherwise use a timestring like “4d20h3sâ€�.   
ban ip   3   Syntax: .ban ip $Ip $bantime $reason; Ban IP.; $bantime: negative value leads to permban, otherwise use a timestring like “4d20h3sâ€�.   
baninfo account   3   Syntax: .baninfo account $accountid; Watch full information about a specific ban.   
baninfo character   3   Syntax: .baninfo character $charactername; Watch full information about a specific ban.   
baninfo ip   3   Syntax: .baninfo ip $ip; Watch full information about a specific ban.   
bank   3   Syntax: .bank   Show your bank inventory.
banlist account   3   Syntax: .banlist account [$Name]; Searches the banlist for a account name pattern or show full list account bans.   
banlist character   3   Syntax: .banlist character $Name; Searches the banlist for a character name pattern. Pattern required.   
banlist ip   3   Syntax: .banlist ip [$Ip]; Searches the banlist for a IP pattern or show full list of IP bans.   
cast   3   Syntax: .cast #spellid [triggered]; Cast #spellid to selected target. If no target selected cast to self. If ‘trigered’ or part provided then spell casted with triggered flag.   
cast back   3   Syntax: .cast back #spellid [triggered]; Selected target will cast #spellid to your character. If ‘trigered’ or part provided then spell casted with triggered flag.   
cast dist   3   Syntax: .cast dist #spellid [#dist [triggered]]; You will cast spell to pint at distance #dist. If ‘trigered’ or part provided then spell casted with triggered flag. Not all spells can be casted as area spells.   
cast self   3   Syntax: .cast self #spellid [triggered]; Cast #spellid by target at target itself. If ‘trigered’ or part provided then spell casted with triggered flag.   
cast target   3   Syntax: .cast target #spellid [triggered]; Selected target will cast #spellid to his victim. If ‘trigered’ or part provided then spell casted with triggered flag.   
character achievements   2   Syntax: .character achievements [$player_name]   Show completed achievments for selected player or player find by $player_name.
character customize   2   Syntax: .character customize [$name]   Mark selected in game or by $name in command character for customize at next login.
character deleted delete   4   Syntax: .character deleted delete #guid|$name   Completely deletes the selected characters.; If $name is supplied, only characters with that string in their name will be deleted, if #guid is supplied, only the character with that GUID will be deleted.
character deleted list   3   Syntax: .character deleted list [#guid|$name]   Shows a list with all deleted characters.; If $name is supplied, only characters with that string in their name will be selected, if #guid is supplied, only the character with that GUID will be selected.
character deleted old   4   Syntax: .character deleted old [#keepDays]   Completely deletes all characters with deleted time longer #keepDays. If #keepDays not provided the used value from mangosd.conf option ‘CharDelete.KeepDays’. If referenced config option disabled (use 0 value) then command can’t be used without #keepDays.
character deleted restore   3   Syntax: .character deleted restore #guid|$name [$newname] [#new account]   Restores deleted characters.; If $name is supplied, only characters with that string in their name will be restored, if $guid is supplied, only the character with that GUID will be restored.; If $newname is set, the character will be restored with that name instead of the original one. If #newaccount is set, the character will be restored to specific account character list. This works only with one character!
character erase   4   Syntax: .character erase $name   Delete character $name. Character finally deleted in case any deleting options.
character level   3   Syntax: .character level [$playername] [#level]   Set the level of character with $playername (or the selected if not name provided) by #numberoflevels Or +1 if no #numberoflevels provided). If #numberoflevels is omitted, the level will be increase by 1. If #numberoflevels is 0, the same level will be restarted. If no character is selected and name not provided, increase your level. Command can be used for offline character. All stats and dependent values recalculated. At level decrease talents can be reset if need. Also at level decrease equipped items with greater level requirement can be lost.
character rename   2   Syntax: .character rename [$name]   Mark selected in game or by $name in command character for rename at next login.
character reputation   2   Syntax: .character reputation [$player_name]   Show reputation information for selected player or player find by $player_name.
character titles   2   Syntax: .character titles [$player_name]   Show known titles list for selected player or player find by $player_name.
combatstop   2   Syntax: .combatstop [$playername]; Stop combat for selected character. If selected non-player then command applied to self. If $playername provided then attempt applied to online player $playername.   
commands   0   Syntax: .commands   Display a list of available commands for your account level.
cooldown   3   Syntax: .cooldown [#spell_id]   Remove all (if spell_id not provided) or #spel_id spell cooldown from selected character or you (if no selection).
damage   3   Syntax: .damage $damage_amount [$school [$spellid]]   Apply $damage to target. If not $school and $spellid provided then this flat clean melee damage without any modifiers. If $school provided then damage modified by armor reduction (if school physical), and target absorbing modifiers and result applied as melee damage to target. If spell provided then damage modified and applied as spell damage. $spellid can be shift-link.
debug anim   2   Syntax: .debug anim #emoteid   Play emote #emoteid for your character.
debug arena   3   Syntax: .debug arena   Toggle debug mode for arenas. In debug mode GM can start arena with single player.
debug bg   3   Syntax: .debug bg   Toggle debug mode for battlegrounds. In debug mode GM can start battleground with single player.
debug getitemvalue   3   Syntax: .debug getitemvalue #itemguid #field [int|hex|bit|float]   Get the field #field of the item #itemguid in your inventroy.; Use type arg for set output format: int (decimal number), hex (hex value), bit (bitstring), float. By default use integer output.
debug getvalue   3   Syntax: .debug getvalue #field [int|hex|bit|float]   Get the field #field of the selected target. If no target is selected, get the content of your field.; Use type arg for set output format: int (decimal number), hex (hex value), bit (bitstring), float. By default use integer output.
debug moditemvalue   3   Syntax: .debug moditemvalue #guid #field [int|float| &= | |= | &=~ ] #value   Modify the field #field of the item #itemguid in your inventroy by value #value.; Use type arg for set mode of modification: int (normal add/subtract #value as decimal number), float (add/subtract #value as float number), &= (bit and, set to 0 all bits in value if it not set to 1 in #value as hex number), |= (bit or, set to 1 all bits in value if it set to 1 in #value as hex number), &=~ (bit and not, set to 0 all bits in value if it set to 1 in #value as hex number). By default expect integer add/subtract.
debug modvalue   3   Syntax: .debug modvalue #field [int|float| &= | |= | &=~ ] #value   Modify the field #field of the selected target by value #value. If no target is selected, set the content of your field.; Use type arg for set mode of modification: int (normal add/subtract #value as decimal number), float (add/subtract #value as float number), &= (bit and, set to 0 all bits in value if it not set to 1 in #value as hex number), |= (bit or, set to 1 all bits in value if it set to 1 in #value as hex number), &=~ (bit and not, set to 0 all bits in value if it set to 1 in #value as hex number). By default expect integer add/subtract.
debug play cinematic   1   Syntax: .debug play cinematic #cinematicid   Play cinematic #cinematicid for you. You stay at place while your mind fly.
debug play movie   1   Syntax: .debug play movie #movieid   Play movie #movieid for you.
debug play sound   1   Syntax: .debug play sound #soundid   Play sound with #soundid.; Sound will be play only for you. Other players do not hear this.; Warning: client may have more 5000 sounds…
debug setitemvalue   3   Syntax: .debug setitemvalue #guid #field [int|hex|bit|float] #value   Set the field #field of the item #itemguid in your inventroy to value #value.; Use type arg for set input format: int (decimal number), hex (hex value), bit (bitstring), float. By default expect integer input format.
debug setvalue   3   Syntax: .debug setvalue #field [int|hex|bit|float] #value   Set the field #field of the selected target to value #value. If no target is selected, set the content of your field.; Use type arg for set input format: int (decimal number), hex (hex value), bit (bitstring), float. By default expect integer input format.
debug spellcoefs   3   Syntax: .debug spellcoefs #spellid   Show default calculated and DB stored coefficients for direct/dot heal/damage.
debug spellmods   3   Syntax: .debug spellmods (flat|pct) #spellMaskBitIndex #spellModOp #value   Set at client side spellmod affect for spell that have bit set with index #spellMaskBitIndex in spell family mask for values dependent from spellmod #spellModOp to #value.
delticket   2   Syntax: .delticket all; .delticket #num; .delticket $character_name   all to dalete all tickets at server, $character_name to delete ticket of this character, #num to delete ticket #num.
demorph   2   Syntax: .demorph   Demorph the selected player.
die   3   Syntax: .die   Kill the selected player. If no player is selected, it will kill you.
dismount   0   Syntax: .dismount   Dismount you, if you are mounted.
distance   3   Syntax: .distance [$name/$link]   Display the distance from your character to the selected creature/player, or player with name $name, or player/creature/gameobject pointed to shift-link with guid.
event   2   Syntax: .event #event_id; Show details about event with #event_id.   
event list   2   Syntax: .event list; Show list of currently active events.; Show list of all events   
event start   2   Syntax: .event start #event_id; Start event #event_id. Set start time for event to current moment (change not saved in DB).   
event stop   2   Syntax: .event stop #event_id; Stop event #event_id. Set start time for event to time in past that make current moment is event stop time (change not saved in DB).   
explorecheat   3   Syntax: .explorecheat #flag   Reveal or hide all maps for the selected player. If no player is selected, hide or reveal maps to you.; Use a #flag of value 1 to reveal, use a #flag value of 0 to hide all maps.
flusharenapoints   3   Syntax: .flusharenapoints   Use it to distribute arena points based on arena team ratings, and start a new week.
gearscore   3   Syntax: .gearscore [#withBags] [#withBank]   Show selected player’s gear score. Check items in bags if #withBags != 0 and check items in Bank if #withBank != 0. Default: 1 for bags and 0 for bank
gm   1   Syntax: .gm [on/off]   Enable or Disable in game GM MODE or show current state of on/off not provided.
gm chat   1   Syntax: .gm chat [on/off]   Enable or disable chat GM MODE (show gm badge in messages) or show current state of on/off not provided.
gm fly   3   Syntax: .gm fly [on/off]; Enable/disable gm fly mode.   
gm ingame   0   Syntax: .gm ingame   Display a list of available in game Game Masters.
gm list   3   Syntax: .gm list   Display a list of all Game Masters accounts and security levels.
gm setview   1   Syntax: .gm setview   Set farsight view on selected unit. Select yourself to set view back.
gm visible   1   Syntax: .gm visible on/off   Output current visibility state or make GM visible(on) and invisible(off) for other players.
go   1   Syntax: .go [$playername|pointlink|#x #y #z [#mapid]]; Teleport your character to point with coordinates of player $playername, or coordinates of one from shift-link types: player, tele, taxinode, creature/creature_entry, gameobject/gameobject_entry, or explicit #x #y #z #mapid coordinates.   
go creature   1   Syntax: .go creature (#creature_guid|$creature_name|id #creature_id); Teleport your character to creature with guid #creature_guid, or teleport your character to creature with name including as part $creature_name substring, or teleport your character to a creature that was spawned from the template with this entry #creature_id.   
go graveyard   1   Syntax: .go graveyard #graveyardId; Teleport to graveyard with the graveyardId specified.   
go grid   1   Syntax: .go grid #gridX #gridY [#mapId]   Teleport the gm to center of grid with provided indexes at map #mapId (or current map if it not provided).
go object   1   Syntax: .go object (#gameobject_guid|$gameobject_name|id #gameobject_id); Teleport your character to gameobject with guid #gameobject_guid, or teleport your character to gameobject with name including as part $gameobject_name substring, or teleport your character to a gameobject that was spawned from the template with this entry #gameobject_id.   
go taxinode   1   Syntax: .go taxinode #taxinode   Teleport player to taxinode coordinates. You can look up zone using .lookup taxinode $namepart
go trigger   1   Syntax: .go trigger (#trigger_id|$trigger_shift-link|$trigger_target_shift-link) [target]   Teleport your character to areatrigger with id #trigger_id or trigger id associated with shift-link. If additional arg “targetâ€� provided then character will teleported to areatrigger target point.
go xy   1   Syntax: .go xy #x #y [#mapid]   Teleport player to point with (#x,#y) coordinates at ground(water) level at map #mapid or same map if #mapid not provided.
go xyz   1   Syntax: .go xyz #x #y #z [#mapid]   Teleport player to point with (#x,#y,#z) coordinates at ground(water) level at map #mapid or same map if #mapid not provided.
go zonexy   1   Syntax: .go zonexy #x #y [#zone]   Teleport player to point with (#x,#y) client coordinates at ground(water) level in zone #zoneid or current zone if #zoneid not provided. You can look up zone using .lookup area $namepart
gobject add   2   Syntax: .gobject add #id   Add a game object from game object templates to the world at your current location using the #id.; spawntimesecs sets the spawntime, it is optional.; Note: this is a copy of .gameobject.
gobject delete   2   Syntax: .gobject delete #go_guid; Delete gameobject with guid #go_guid.   
gobject move   2   Syntax: .gobject move #goguid [#x #y #z]   Move gameobject #goguid to character coordinates (or to (#x,#y,#z) coordinates if its provide).
gobject near   2   Syntax: .gobject near [#distance]   Output gameobjects at distance #distance from player. Output gameobject guids and coordinates sorted by distance from character. If #distance not provided use 10 as default value.
gobject setphase   2   Syntax: .gobject setphase #guid #phasemask   Gameobject with DB guid #guid phasemask changed to #phasemask with related world vision update for players. Gameobject state saved to DB and persistent.
gobject target   2   Syntax: .gobject target [#go_id|#go_name_part]   Locate and show position nearest gameobject. If #go_id or #go_name_part provide then locate and show position of nearest gameobject with gameobject template id #go_id or name included #go_name_part as part.
gobject turn   2   Syntax: .gobject turn #goguid [#z_angle]   Changes gameobject #goguid orientation (rotates gameobject around z axis). Optional parameters are (#y_angle,#x_angle) values that represents rotation angles around y and x axes.
goname   1   Syntax: .goname [$charactername]   Teleport to the given character. Either specify the character name or click on the character’s portrait, e.g. when you are in a group. Character can be offline.
gps   1   Syntax: .gps [$name|$shift-link]   Display the position information for a selected character or creature (also if player name $name provided then for named player, or if creature/gameobject shift-link provided then pointed creature/gameobject if it loaded). Position information includes X, Y, Z, and orientation, map Id and zone Id
groupgo   1   Syntax: .groupgo [$charactername]   Teleport the given character and his group to you. Teleported only online characters but original selected group member can be offline.
guid   2   Syntax: .guid   Display the GUID for the selected character.
guild create   2   Syntax: .guild create [$GuildLeaderName] “$GuildNameâ€�   Create a guild named $GuildName with the player $GuildLeaderName (or selected) as leader. Guild name must in quotes.
guild delete   2   Syntax: .guild delete “$GuildNameâ€�   Delete guild $GuildName. Guild name must in quotes.
guild invite   2   Syntax: .guild invite [$CharacterName] “$GuildNameâ€�   Add player $CharacterName (or selected) into a guild $GuildName. Guild name must in quotes.
guild rank   2   Syntax: .guild rank $CharacterName #Rank   Set for $CharacterName rank #Rank in a guild.
guild uninvite   2   Syntax: .guild uninvite [$CharacterName]   Remove player $CharacterName (or selected) from a guild.
help   0   Syntax: .help [$command]   Display usage instructions for the given $command. If no $command provided show list available commands.
hidearea   3   Syntax: .hidearea #areaid   Hide the area of #areaid to the selected character. If no character is selected, hide this area to you.
honor add   2   Syntax: .honor add $amount   Add a certain amount of honor (gained today) to the selected player.
honor addkill   2   Syntax: .honor addkill   Add the targeted unit as one of your pvp kills today (you only get honor if it’s a racial leader or a player)
honor updatekills   2   Syntax: .honor updatekills   Force the yesterday’s honor kill fields to be updated with today’s data, which will get reset for the selected player.
instance listbinds   3   Syntax: .instance listbinds; Lists the binds of the selected player.   
instance savedata   3   Syntax: .instance savedata; Save the InstanceData for the current player’s map to the DB.   
instance stats   3   Syntax: .instance stats; Shows statistics about instances.   
instance unbind   3   Syntax: .instance unbind all; All of the selected player’s binds will be cleared.; .instance unbind #mapid; Only the specified #mapid instance will be cleared.   
itemmove   2   Syntax: .itemmove #sourceslotid #destinationslotid   Move an item from slots #sourceslotid to #destinationslotid in your inventory; Not yet implemented
kick   2   Syntax: .kick [$charactername]   Kick the given character name from the world. If no character name is provided then the selected player (except for yourself) will be kicked.
learn   3   Syntax: .learn #spell [all]   Selected character learn a spell of id #spell. If ‘all’ provided then all ranks learned.
learn all   3   Syntax: .learn all   Learn all big set different spell maybe useful for Administaror.
learn all_crafts   2   Syntax: .learn crafts   Learn all professions and recipes.
learn all_default   1   Syntax: .learn all_default [$playername]   Learn for selected/$playername player all default spells for his race/class and spells rewarded by completed quests.
learn all_gm   2   Syntax: .learn all_gm   Learn all default spells for Game Masters.
learn all_lang   1   Syntax: .learn all_lang   Learn all languages
learn all_myclass   3   Syntax: .learn all_myclass   Learn all spells and talents available for his class.
learn all_mypettalents   3   Syntax: .learn all_mypettalents   Learn all talents for your pet available for his creature type (only for hunter pets).
learn all_myspells   3   Syntax: .learn all_myspells   Learn all spells (except talents and spells with first rank learned as talent) available for his class.
learn all_mytalents   3   Syntax: .learn all_mytalents   Learn all talents (and spells with first rank learned as talent) available for his class.
learn all_recipes   2   Syntax: .learn all_recipes [$profession]   Learns all recipes of specified profession and sets skill level to max.; Example: .learn all_recipes enchanting
levelup   3   Syntax: .levelup [$playername] [#numberoflevels]   Increase/decrease the level of character with $playername (or the selected if not name provided) by #numberoflevels Or +1 if no #numberoflevels provided). If #numberoflevels is omitted, the level will be increase by 1. If #numberoflevels is 0, the same level will be restarted. If no character is selected and name not provided, increase your level. Command can be used for offline character. All stats and dependent VALUESrecalculated. At level decrease talents can be reset if need. Also at level decrease equipped items with greater level requirement can be lost.
linkgrave   3   Syntax: .linkgrave #graveyard_id [alliance|horde]   Link current zone to graveyard for any (or alliance/horde faction ghosts). This let character ghost from zone teleport to graveyard after die if graveyard is nearest from linked to zone and accept ghost of this faction. Add only single graveyard at another map and only if no graveyards linked (or planned linked at same map).
list creature   3   Syntax: .list creature #creature_id [#max_count]   Output creatures with creature id #creature_id found in world. Output creature guids and coordinates sorted by distance from character. Will be output maximum #max_count creatures. If #max_count not provided use 10 as default value.
list item   3   Syntax: .list item #item_id [#max_count]   Output items with item id #item_id found in all character inventories, mails, auctions, and guild banks. Output item guids, item owner guid, owner account and owner name (guild name and guid in case guild bank). Will be output maximum #max_count items. If #max_count not provided use 10 as default value.
list object   3   Syntax: .list object #gameobject_id [#max_count]   Output gameobjects with gameobject id #gameobject_id found in world. Output gameobject guids and coordinates sorted by distance from character. Will be output maximum #max_count gameobject. If #max_count not provided use 10 as default value.
list talents   3   Syntax: .list talents   Show list all really known (as learned spells) talent rank spells for selected player or self.
loadscripts   3   Syntax: .loadscripts $scriptlibraryname   Unload current and load the script library $scriptlibraryname or reload current if $scriptlibraryname omitted, in case you changed it while the server was running.
lookup account email   2   Syntax: .lookup account email $emailpart [#limit]   Searchs accounts, which email including $emailpart with optional parametr #limit of results. If #limit not provided expected 100.
lookup account ip   2   Syntax: lookup account ip $ippart [#limit]   Searchs accounts, which last used ip inluding $ippart (textual) with optional parametr #$limit of results. If #limit not provided expected 100.
lookup account name   2   Syntax: .lookup account name $accountpart [#limit]   Searchs accounts, which username including $accountpart with optional parametr #limit of results. If #limit not provided expected 100.
lookup achievement   2   Syntax: .lookup $name; Looks up a achievement by $namepart, and returns all matches with their quest ID’s. Achievement shift-links generated with information about achievment state for selected player. Also for completed achievments in list show complete date.   
lookup area   1   Syntax: .lookup area $namepart   Looks up an area by $namepart, and returns all matches with their area ID’s.
lookup creature   3   Syntax: .lookup creature $namepart   Looks up a creature by $namepart, and returns all matches with their creature ID’s.
lookup currency   3   Syntax: .lookup currency $namepart   Looks up a currency by $namepart, and returns all matches.
lookup event   2   Syntax: .lookup event $name; Attempts to find the ID of the event with the provided $name.   
lookup faction   3   Syntax: .lookup faction $name; Attempts to find the ID of the faction with the provided $name.   
lookup item   3   Syntax: .lookup item $itemname   Looks up an item by $itemname, and returns all matches with their Item ID’s.
lookup itemset   3   Syntax: .lookup itemset $itemname   Looks up an item set by $itemname, and returns all matches with their Item set ID’s.
lookup object   3   Syntax: .lookup object $objname   Looks up an gameobject by $objname, and returns all matches with their Gameobject ID’s.
lookup player account   2   Syntax: .lookup player account $accountpart [#limit]   Searchs players, which account username including $accountpart with optional parametr #limit of results. If #limit not provided expected 100.
lookup player email   2   Syntax: .lookup player email $emailpart [#limit]   Searchs players, which account email including $emailpart with optional parametr #limit of results. If #limit not provided expected 100.
lookup player ip   2   Syntax: .lookup player ip $ippart [#limit]   Searchs players, which account last used ip inluding $ippart (textual) with optional parametr #limit of results. If #limit not provided expected 100.
lookup pool   2   Syntax: .lookup pool $pooldescpart   List of pools (anywhere) with substring in description.
lookup quest   3   Syntax: .lookup quest $namepart   Looks up a quest by $namepart, and returns all matches with their quest ID’s.
lookup skill   3   Syntax: .lookup skill $$namepart   Looks up a skill by $namepart, and returns all matches with their skill ID’s.
lookup spell   3   Syntax: .lookup spell $namepart   Looks up a spell by $namepart, and returns all matches with their spell ID’s.
lookup taxinode   3   Syntax: .lookup taxinode $substring   Search and output all taxinodes with provide $substring in name.
lookup tele   1   Syntax: .lookup tele $substring   Search and output all .tele command locations with provide $substring in name.
lookup title   2   Syntax: .lookup title $$namepart   Looks up a title by $namepart, and returns all matches with their title ID’s and index’s.
mailbox   3   Syntax: .mailbox   Show your mailbox content.
maxskill   3   Syntax: .maxskill; Sets all skills of the targeted player to their maximum VALUESfor its current level.   
modify aspeed   1   Syntax: .modify aspeed #rate   Modify all speeds -run,swim,run back,swim back- of the selected player to “normalbase speed for this move typeâ€�*rate. If no player is selected, modify your speed.; #rate may range from 0.1 to 10.
modify bwalk   1   Syntax: .modify bwalk #rate   Modify the speed of the selected player while running backwards to “normal walk back speedâ€�*rate. If no player is selected, modify your speed.; #rate may range from 0.1 to 10.
modify currency   2   Syntax: .modify currency $id $amount   Add $amount points of currency $id to the selected player.
modify drunk   1   Syntax: .modify drunk #value; Set drunk level to #value (0..100). Value 0 remove drunk state, 100 is max drunked state.   
modify energy   1   Syntax: .modify energy #energy   Modify the energy of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your energy.
modify faction   1   Syntax: .modify faction #factionid #flagid #npcflagid #dynamicflagid   Modify the faction and flags of the selected creature. Without arguments, display the faction and flags of the selected creature.
modify fly   1   Syntax: .modify fly #rate; .fly #rate   Modify the flying speed of the selected player to “normal base fly speedâ€�*rate. If no player is selected, modify your fly.; #rate may range from 0.1 to 10.
modify gender   2   Syntax: .modify gender male/female   Change gender of selected player.
modify hp   1   Syntax: .modify hp #newhp   Modify the hp of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your hp.
modify mana   1   Syntax: .modify mana #newmana   Modify the mana of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your mana.
modify money   1   Syntax: .modify money #money; .money #money   Add or remove money to the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your money.; #gold can be negative to remove money.
modify morph   2   Syntax: .modify morph #displayid   Change your current model id to #displayid.
modify mount   1   Syntax: .modify mount #id #speed; Display selected player as mounted at #id creature and set speed to #speed value.   
modify phase   3   Syntax: .modify phase #phasemask   Selected character phasemask changed to #phasemask with related world vision update. Change active until in game phase changed, or GM-mode enable/disable, or re-login. Character pts pasemask update to same value.
modify rage   1   Syntax: .modify rage #newrage   Modify the rage of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your rage.
modify rep   2   Syntax: .modify rep #repId (#repvalue | $rankname [#delta]); Sets the selected players reputation with faction #repId to #repvalue or to $reprank.; If the reputation rank name is provided, the resulting reputation will be the lowest reputation for that rank plus the delta amount, if specified.; You can use ‘.pinfo rep’ to list all known reputation ids, or use ‘.lookup faction $name’ to locate a specific faction id.   
modify runicpower   1   Syntax: .modify runicpower #newrunicpower   Modify the runic power of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your runic power.
modify scale   1   Syntax: .modify scale #scale   Change model scale for targeted player (util relogin) or creature (until respawn).
modify speed   1   Syntax: .modify speed #rate; .speed #rate   Modify the running speed of the selected player to “normal base run speedâ€�*rate. If no player is selected, modify your speed.; #rate may range from 0.1 to 10.
modify standstate   2   Syntax: .modify standstate #emoteid   Change the emote of your character while standing to #emoteid.
modify swim   1   Syntax: .modify swim #rate   Modify the swim speed of the selected player to “normal swim speedâ€�*rate. If no player is selected, modify your speed.; #rate may range from 0.1 to 10.
modify tp   1   Syntax: .modify tp #amount   Set free talent pointes for selected character or character’s pet. It will be reset to default expected at next levelup/login/quest reward.
movegens   3   Syntax: .movegens; Show movement generators stack for selected creature or player.   
mute   1   Syntax: .mute [$playerName] $timeInMinutes   Disible chat messaging for any character from account of character $playerName (or currently selected) at $timeInMinutes minutes. Player can be offline.
namego   1   Syntax: .namego [$charactername]   Teleport the given character to you. Character can be offline.
neargrave   3   Syntax: .neargrave [alliance|horde]   Find nearest graveyard linked to zone (or only nearest from accepts alliance or horde faction ghosts).
notify   1   Syntax: .notify $MessageToBroadcast   Send a global message to all players online in screen.
npc add   2   Syntax: .npc add #creatureid   Spawn a creature by the given template id of #creatureid.
npc addcurrency   2   Syntax: .npc addcurrency #currencyId #buycount #extendedcost   Add currency #currencyId to item list of selected vendor.
npc additem   2   Syntax: .npc additem #itemId <#maxcount><#incrtime><#extendedcost>r   Add item #itemid to item list of selected vendor. Also optionally set max count item in vendor item list and time to item count restoring and items ExtendedCost.
npc addmove   2   Syntax: .npc addmove #creature_guid [#waittime]   Add your current location as a waypoint for creature with guid #creature_guid. And optional add wait time.
npc addweapon   3   Not yet implemented.   
npc aiinfo   2   Syntax: .npc npc aiinfo   Show npc AI and script information.
npc allowmove   3   Syntax: .npc allowmove   Enable or disable movement creatures in world. Not implemented.
npc changelevel   2   Syntax: .npc changelevel #level   Change the level of the selected creature to #level.; #level may range from 1 to 63.
npc delcurrency   2   Syntax: .npc delcurrency #currencyId   Remove currency #currencyId from item list of selected vendor.
npc delete   2   Syntax: .npc delete [#guid]   Delete creature with guid #guid (or the selected if no guid is provided)
npc delitem   2   Syntax: .npc delitem #itemId   Remove item #itemid from item list of selected vendor.
npc factionid   2   Syntax: .npc factionid #factionid   Set the faction of the selected creature to #factionid.
npc flag   2   Syntax: .npc flag #npcflag   Set the NPC flags of creature template of the selected creature and selected creature to #npcflag. NPC flags will applied to all creatures of selected creature template after server restart or grid unload/load.
npc follow   2   Syntax: .npc follow   Selected creature start follow you until death/fight/etc.
npc info   3   Syntax: .npc info   Display a list of details for the selected creature.; The list includes:; â€" GUID, Faction, NPC flags, Entry ID, Model ID,; â€" Level,; â€" Health (current/maximum),; â€" Field flags, dynamic flags, faction template,; â€" Position information,; â€" and the creature type, e.g. if the creature is a vendor.
npc move   2   Syntax: .npc move [#creature_guid]   Move the targeted creature spawn point to your coordinates.
npc name   2   Syntax: .npc name $name   Change the name of the selected creature or character to $name.; Command disabled.
npc playemote   3   Syntax: .npc playemote #emoteid   Make the selected creature emote with an emote of id #emoteid.
npc say   1   Syntax: .npc say #text; Make the selected npc says #text.   
npc setdeathstate   2   Syntax: .npc setdeathstate on/off   Set default death state (dead/alive) for npc at spawn.
npc setmodel   2   Syntax: .npc setmodel #displayid   Change the model id of the selected creature to #displayid.
npc setmovetype   2   Syntax: .npc setmovetype [#creature_guid] stay/random/way [NODEL]   Set for creature pointed by #creature_guid (or selected if #creature_guid not provided) movement type and move it to respawn position (if creature alive). Any existing waypoints for creature will be removed from the database if you do not use NODEL. If the creature is dead then movement type will applied at creature respawn.; Make sure you use NODEL, if you want to keep the waypoints.
npc setphase   2   Syntax: .npc setphase #phasemask   Selected unit or pet phasemask changed to #phasemask with related world vision update for players. In creature case state saved to DB and persistent. In pet case change active until in game phase changed for owner, owner re-login, or GM-mode enable/disable..
npc spawndist   2   Syntax: .npc spawndist #dist   Adjust spawndistance of selected creature to dist.
npc spawntime   2   Syntax: .npc spawntime #time   Adjust spawntime of selected creature to time.
npc subname   2   Syntax: .npc subname $Name   Change the subname of the selected creature or player to $Name.; Command disabled.
npc tame   2   Syntax: .npc tame   Tame selected creature (tameable non pet creature). You don’t must have pet.
npc textemote   1   Syntax: .npc textemote #emoteid   Make the selected creature to do textemote with an emote of id #emoteid.
npc unfollow   2   Syntax: .npc unfollow   Selected creature (non pet) stop follow you.
npc whisper   1   Syntax: .npc whisper #playerguid #text; Make the selected npc whisper #text to #playerguid.   
npc yell   1   Syntax: .npc yell #text; Make the selected npc yells #text.   
pdump load   3   Syntax: .pdump load $filename $account [$newname] [$newguid]; Load character dump from dump file into character list of $account with saved or $newname, with saved (or first free) or $newguid guid.   
pdump write   3   Syntax: .pdump write $filename $playerNameOrGUID; Write character dump with name/guid $playerNameOrGUID to file $filename.   
pinfo   2   Syntax: .pinfo [$player_name]   Output account information for selected player or player find by $player_name.
pool   2   Syntax: .pool #pool_id   Pool information and full list creatures/gameobjects included in pool.
pool list   2   Syntax: .pool list   List of pools with spawn in current map (only work in instances. Non-instanceable maps share pool system state os useless attempt get all pols at all continents.
pool spawns   2   Syntax: .pool spawns #pool_id   List current creatures/objects listed in pools (or in specific #pool_id) and spawned (added to grid data, not meaning show in world.
quest add   3   Syntax: .quest add #quest_id   Add to character quest log quest #quest_id. Quest started from item can’t be added by this command but correct .additem call provided in command output.
quest complete   3   Syntax: .quest complete #questid; Mark all quest objectives as completed for target character active quest. After this target character can go and get quest reward.   
quest remove   3   Syntax: .quest remove #quest_id   Set quest #quest_id state to not completed and not active (and remove from active quest list) for selected player.
quit   4   Syntax: quit   Close RA connection. Command must be typed fully (quit).
recall   1   Syntax: .recall [$playername]   Teleport $playername or selected player to the place where he has been before last use of a teleportation command. If no $playername is entered and no player is selected, it will teleport you.
reload all   3   Syntax: .reload all   Reload all tables with reload support added and that can be _safe_ reloaded.
reload all_achievement   3   Syntax: .reload all_achievement   Reload all `achievement_*` tables if reload support added for this table and this table can be _safe_ reloaded.
reload all_area   3   Syntax: .reload all_area   Reload all `areatrigger_*` tables if reload support added for this table and this table can be _safe_ reloaded.
reload all_eventai   3   Syntax: .reload all_eventai   Reload `creature_ai_*` tables if reload support added for these tables and these tables can be _safe_ reloaded.
reload all_item   3   Syntax: .reload all_item   Reload `item_required_target`, `page_texts` and `item_enchantment_template` tables.
reload all_locales   3   Syntax: .reload all_locales   Reload all `locales_*` tables with reload support added and that can be _safe_ reloaded.
reload all_loot   3   Syntax: .reload all_loot   Reload all `*_loot_template` tables. This can be slow operation with lags for server run.
reload all_npc   3   Syntax: .reload all_npc   Reload `points_of_interest` and `npc_*` tables if reload support added for these tables and these tables can be _safe_ reloaded.
reload all_quest   3   Syntax: .reload all_quest   Reload all quest related tables if reload support added for this table and this table can be _safe_ reloaded.
reload all_scripts   3   Syntax: .reload all_scripts   Reload `*_scripts` tables.
reload all_spell   3   Syntax: .reload all_spell   Reload all `spell_*` tables with reload support added and that can be _safe_ reloaded.
reload config   3   Syntax: .reload config   Reload config settings (by default stored in mangosd.conf). Not all settings can be change at reload: some new setting values will be ignored until restart, some values will applied with delay or only to new objects/maps, some values will explicitly rejected to change at reload.
repairitems   2   Syntax: .repairitems   Repair all selected player’s items.
reset achievements   3   Syntax: .reset achievements [$playername]   Reset achievements data for selected or named (online or offline) character. Achievements for persistance progress data like completed quests/etc re-filled at reset. Achievements for events like kills/casts/etc will lost.
reset all   3   Syntax: .reset all spells   Syntax: .reset all talents; Request reset spells or talents (including talents for all character’s pets if any) at next login each existed character.
reset honor   3   Syntax: .reset honor [Playername]; Reset all honor data for targeted character.   
reset level   3   Syntax: .reset level [Playername]; Reset level to 1 including reset stats and talents. Equipped items with greater level requirement can be lost.   
reset specs   3   Syntax: .reset specs [Playername]; Removes all talents (for all specs) of the targeted player or named player. Playername can be name of offline character. With player talents also will be reset talents for all character’s pets if any.   
reset spells   3   Syntax: .reset spells [Playername]; Removes all non-original spells from spellbook.; . Playername can be name of offline character.   
reset stats   3   Syntax: .reset stats [Playername]; Resets(recalculate) all stats of the targeted player to their original VALUESat current level.   
reset talents   3   Syntax: .reset talents [Playername]; Removes all talents (current spec) of the targeted player or pet or named player. With player talents also will be reset talents for all character’s pets if any.   
respawn   3   Syntax: .respawn   Respawn selected creature or respawn all nearest creatures (if none selected) and GO without waiting respawn time expiration.
revive   3   Syntax: .revive   Revive the selected player. If no player is selected, it will revive you.
save   0   Syntax: .save   Saves your character.
saveall   1   Syntax: .saveall   Save all characters in game.
send items   3   Syntax: .send items #playername “#subjectâ€� “#textâ€� itemid1[:count1] itemid2[:count2] … itemidN[:countN]   Send a mail to a player. Subject and mail text must be in “â€�. If for itemid not provided related count values then expected 1, if count > max items in stack then items will be send in required amount stacks. All stacks amount in mail limited to 12.
send mail   1   Syntax: .send mail #playername “#subjectâ€� “#textâ€�   Send a mail to a player. Subject and mail text must be in “â€�.
send mass items   3   Syntax: .send mass items #racemask|$racename|alliance|horde|all “#subjectâ€� “#textâ€� itemid1[:count1] itemid2[:count2] … itemidN[:countN]   Send a mail to players. Subject and mail text must be in “â€�. If for itemid not provided related count values then expected 1, if count > max items in stack then items will be send in required amount stacks. All stacks amount in mail limited to 12.
send mass mail   3   Syntax: .send mass mail #racemask|$racename|alliance|horde|all “#subjectâ€� “#textâ€�   Send a mail to players. Subject and mail text must be in “â€�.
send mass money   3   Syntax: .send mass money #racemask|$racename|alliance|horde|all “#subjectâ€� “#textâ€� #money   Send mail with money to players. Subject and mail text must be in “â€�.
send message   3   Syntax: .send message $playername $message   Send screen message to player from ADMINISTRATOR.
send money   3   Syntax: .send money #playername “#subjectâ€� “#textâ€� #money   Send mail with money to a player. Subject and mail text must be in “â€�.
server corpses   2   Syntax: .server corpses   Triggering corpses expire check in world.
server exit   4   Syntax: .server exit   Terminate mangosd NOW. Exit code 0.
server idlerestart   3   Syntax: .server idlerestart #delay   Restart the server after #delay seconds if no active connections are present (no players). Use #exist_code or 2 as program exist code.
server idlerestart cancel   3   Syntax: .server idlerestart cancel   Cancel the restart/shutdown timer if any.
server idleshutdown   3   Syntax: .server idleshutdown #delay [#exist_code]   Shut the server down after #delay seconds if no active connections are present (no players). Use #exist_code or 0 as program exist code.
server idleshutdown cancel   3   Syntax: .server idleshutdown cancel   Cancel the restart/shutdown timer if any.
server info   0   Syntax: .server info   Display server version and the number of connected players.
server log filter   4   Syntax: .server log filter [($filtername|all) (on|off)]   Show or set server log filters. If used “allâ€� then all filters will be set to on/off state.
server log level   4   Syntax: .server log level [#level]   Show or set server log level (0 â€" errors only, 1 â€" basic, 2 â€" detail, 3 â€" debug).
server motd   0   Syntax: .server motd   Show server Message of the day.
server plimit   3   Syntax: .server plimit [#num|-1|-2|-3|reset|player|moderator|gamemaster|administrator]   Without arg show current player amount and security level limitations for login to server, with arg set player linit ($num > 0) or securiti limitation ($num < 0 or security leme name. With `reset` sets player limit to the one in the config file
server restart   3   Syntax: .server restart #delay   Restart the server after #delay seconds. Use #exist_code or 2 as program exist code.
server restart cancel   3   Syntax: .server restart cancel   Cancel the restart/shutdown timer if any.
server set motd   3   Syntax: .server set motd $MOTD   Set server Message of the day.
server shutdown   3   Syntax: .server shutdown #delay [#exit_code]   Shut the server down after #delay seconds. Use #exit_code or 0 as program exit code.
server shutdown cancel   3   Syntax: .server shutdown cancel   Cancel the restart/shutdown timer if any.
setskill   3   Syntax: .setskill #skill #level [#max]   Set a skill of id #skill with a current skill value of #level and a maximum value of #max (or equal current maximum if not provide) for the selected character. If no character is selected, you learn the skill.
showarea   3   Syntax: .showarea #areaid   Reveal the area of #areaid to the selected character. If no character is selected, reveal this area to you.
stable   3   Syntax: .stable   Show your pet stable.
start   0   Syntax: .start   Teleport you to the starting area of your character.
taxicheat   1   Syntax: .taxicheat on/off   Temporary grant access or remove to all taxi routes for the selected character. If no character is selected, hide or reveal all routes to you.; Visited taxi nodes sill accessible after removing access.
tele   1   Syntax: .tele #location   Teleport player to a given location.
tele add   3   Syntax: .tele add $name   Add current your position to .tele command target locations list with name $name.
tele del   3   Syntax: .tele del $name   Remove location with name $name for .tele command locations list.
tele group   1   Syntax: .tele group#location   Teleport a selected player and his group members to a given location.
tele name   1   Syntax: .tele name [#playername] #location   Teleport the given character to a given location. Character can be offline.
ticket   2   Syntax: .ticket on; .ticket off; .ticket #num; .ticket $character_name; .ticket respond #num $response; .ticket respond $character_name $response   on/off for GMs to show or not a new ticket directly, $character_name to show ticket of this character, #num to show ticket #num.
titles add   2   Syntax: .titles add #title; Add title #title (id or shift-link) to known titles list for selected player.   
titles current   2   Syntax: .titles current #title; Set title #title (id or shift-link) as current selected titl for selected player. If title not in known title list for player then it will be added to list.   
titles remove   2   Syntax: .titles remove #title; Remove title #title (id or shift-link) from known titles list for selected player.   
titles setmask   2   Syntax: .titles setmask #mask   Allows user to use all titles from #mask.; #mask=0 disables the title-choose-field
trigger   2   Syntax: .trigger [#trigger_id|$trigger_shift-link|$trigger_target_shift-link]   Show detail infor about areatrigger with id #trigger_id or trigger id associated with shift-link. If areatrigger id or shift-link not provided then selected nearest areatrigger at current map.
trigger active   2   Syntax: .trigger active   Show list of areatriggers with activation zone including current character position.
trigger near   2   Syntax: .trigger near [#distance]   Output areatriggers at distance #distance from player. If #distance not provided use 10 as default value.
unaura   3   Syntax: .unaura #spellid   Remove aura due to spell #spellid from the selected Unit.
unban account   3   Syntax: .unban account $Name; Unban accounts for account name pattern.   
unban character   3   Syntax: .unban character $Name; Unban accounts for character name pattern.   
unban ip   3   Syntax : .unban ip $Ip; Unban accounts for IP pattern.   
unlearn   3   Syntax: .unlearn #spell [all]   Unlearn for selected player a spell #spell. If ‘all’ provided then all ranks unlearned.
unmute   1   Syntax: .unmute $playerName   Restore chat messaging for any character from account of character $playerName.
waterwalk   2   Syntax: .waterwalk on/off   Set on/off waterwalk state for selected player.
wchange   3   Syntax: .wchange #weathertype #status   Set current weather to #weathertype with an intensity of #status.; #weathertype can be 1 for rain, 2 for snow, and 3 for sand. #status can be 0 for disabled, and 1 for enabled.
whispers   1   Syntax: .whispers on|off; Enable/disable accepting whispers by GM from players. By default use mangosd.conf setting.   
wp add   2   Syntax: .wp add [#creature_guid or Select a Creature]   
wp export   3   Syntax: .wp export [#creature_guid or Select a Creature] $filename   
wp import   3   Syntax: .wp import $filename   
wp modify   2   Syntax: .wp modify [#creature_guid or Select a Creature]; add â€" Add a waypoint after the selected visual; waittime $time; emote ID; spell ID; text1| text2| text3| text4| text5 ; model1 ID; model2 ID; move(moves wp to player pos); del (deletes the wp)   Only one parameter per time!
wp show   2   Syntax: .wp show [#creature_guid or Select a Creature]; on; first; last; off; info   For using info you have to do first show on and than select a Visual-Waypoint and do the show info!

1.12.1 Vanillia Szerver / SF Információk
« Dátum: 2023. December 06. »

Információk: https://github.com/vmangos/core

Progressive Vanilla
This project is an independent continuation of the Elysium / LightsHope codebases, focused on delivering the most complete and accurate content progression system possible, including support for the patch appropriate game clients.

Currently supported builds
Project guidelines
Accuracy: The point of an emulator is to recreate the functionality of that which it is emulating as closely as possible. Therefore any custom behaviour should be behind a config option and off by default.
DB Scripting: Content should be separate from the core itself, so hardcoding scripts should be avoided where possible. When database scripting functionality is insufficient, we simply expand it.
Full progression: The ultimate goal of this project is to have complete progression starting from patch 1.2 through 1.12. This means every piece of data must be marked with the patch in which it was added or changed to it's current state.
Tools are great: Content creation should not require programming knowledge. We hope to eventually provide tools that allow for user-friendly editing of database scripts and content, with all data presented in human-readable form.
vmangos CI build Latest development binary
vmangos Development DB Dump mysql5.6 full dump, no update needed.
Useful Links
Script Editor
Script Converter

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